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KS1 - Neil Armstrong and Exploring Space


Bringing the Excitement of Space to your School!

Space is a fascinating topic, but can be challenging to bring to life in the classroom (and can also generate questions that can be difficult to answer for the non-specialist teacher!).

I will really engage your class or group with the topic of space in ways that are exciting and enhance learning,  and provide your group with an unforgettable experience.

Our session for KS1 consists of a range of activities co-developed with experienced KS1 teachers to provide an exciting learning experience for your pupils!....

What teachers say...


"My Yr 1 children loved it, learning so much about Neil Armstrong and space. Thanks for providing a thrilling learning opportunity that really brought space to life for them. Thanks again, and we'll see you next year!"

"A wonderful day with many varied activities that really brought the subject to life. The pupils won't stop talking about it..."

"Our best enrichment day, ever!"

KS1 Session Outline 

Our specially developed session for KS1 focuses around the Moon and space exploration to cover many aspectsents of the National Curriculum, particularly significant individuals (Neil Armstrong) but also additional aspects of both science and history. 

The details below give an outline of the possibilities, but we can put together a visit to suit your requirements.

Spaceflight and the Space Race

Explores the fascinating history of space travel, using a 'living' timeline to introduce the Space Race to the Moon, as well as the Apollo landings.

This is designed to meet aspects of the National Curriculum for History:

Pupils should be taught about:
the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements. (Neil Armstrong)

Pupils will find out about the earliest explorations of space, right up to the Moon landing of Neil Armstrong in Apollo 11, and learn about Armstrong's life.


We get the children really involved through props and movement as they experience the rivalry of the space race...


We then bring the story of space travel up to date, and also find out about the Moon - it's craters and phases...

Space Activities

A range of engaging learning experiences that involve both cognitive and motor skills.


These can include finding out about the difficulties of handling objects whilst wearing the heavy gloves of a spacesuit, using telescopes to observe the 'moon', and examining some genuine original newspapers from the era of the space race.


Pupils get involved in a great fun activity, as they find out all about meteorites, and understand the origin of the craters of the moon.

The pupils will help us experiment to make our own 'Moon craters', and also get a chance to examine and handle some genuine meteorites from outer space.


We also take a brief look at the other planets of our solar system...


A Space Age Life

Learning with a difference with this exciting element that looks at life, and especially childhood, in the space age, through original toys and games with the space theme that was very popular during the space race. We illustrate both what childhood was like during the era of the space race and also the toys that children would have played with in that era (remember - no computers in those days!...) . Pupils also get a chance to play with some of the toys (many of which are original from the 1960's!).

This session also dovetails wonderfully into the national curriculum for history:

Pupils should be taught about:
Changes within living memory. Where appropriate, these should be used to reveal aspects of change in national life

As well as being really enjoyable, interactive and memorable, this session includes science learning too...




This is a weather-permitting optional addition to the 'Space Age Life' but can also be a stand-alone activity.  Children have always enjoyed launching toy rockets, back to and even before the space age...


We show some examples of original vintage toy rockets that children would have played with many years ago, and then allow the children to use the modern equivalent to launch their own rockets into the air.


Lots of fun, and science too!...


How Much Is A Visit?


Our pricing is simple, and designed to allow smaller as well as larger schools to find a visit cost-effective. I would be delighted to discuss with you how we  can bring space to life for your group.

Prices (September 2024) 

  • Visit:     

    • One Class - £249.00     

    • Two Classes - £299.00

    • Three Classes - £349.00

  • Travel: 40p per mile from CB23 (each way)


Simply contact me for a no-obligation look at pricing and possibilities.


Having a space visit coming to you saves on time and travel costs for coaches, as well as the logistic and safeguarding challenges of taking children off-site.


Any Questions ,or Making a Booking?

If you have any questions, or would like to make a booking, simply contact me without obligation

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